Palo Alto Risk Solutions – PARS – Investment and Partnerships for security solutions, economic growth, business success and community engagement.
PARS is a UK company which understands security threats faced by companies doing business in Mexico and Latin America. We have the capability and capacity to qualify and deliver UK based expertise and products to global customers. We can help you select the right equipment with the right service agreement to maximise your return on that investment.
UM Labs is a pioneer and leader of Security Software Services for Cloud Computing in the 21st Century ...>>
Hidden Technology System International is a developer and manufacturer of professional convert GPS & RF tracking systems. Beside in house R & D and production of tracking solutions ...>>
In the area of Business Continuity, we have collaborated with one of the country's leading specialists to create a range of tools with robust and market-validated tech...>>
The challenge facing all leaders is clear and effective communication to all those involved. This includes internal and external ...>>